Maximo Rossi, Universidad del Uruguay - Departamento de Economía (dECON)
This paper explores the key experiences that Uruguayans consider relevant for becoming an adult in Uruguay. In particular, we assess the linkages between adulthood and income; labor market participation and marital status, among other transitions that have been found to be associated with the attainment of adulthood. With the aim of identifying attitudinal patterns, we use the 2008 International Social Survey Program in Uruguay and estimate ordered probit models to examine the importance individuals assign to a series of hypothetical transitions. We discover that gender, age, and educational level are viewed as critical determinants in the passage to adulthood. Moreover, we find that Uruguay may have a different constellation of beliefs pertaining to adult transitions than has been found in similar studies conducted in the United States.
Suggested Citation
Maximo Rossi and Natalia Melgar. "When Do People Become Adults? The Uruguayan Case" International Journal of Population Research / Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2012.Article ID 425325 (2012): 1-6.